Construction Safety Program
As Management, we accept our responsibility for safety. It is the policy of this company to provide a healthy and safe place to work for all employees. The personal safety and health of each employee is of primary importance to us. Since we believe all injuries can be prevented, our goal will be zero accidents and illnesses. We will promote a Safety Perfect Culture.
In order to accomplish this goal, we plan to follow the company rules and procedures that have been developed as well as all applicable state, federal, and local codes and regulations. We expect our employees to do the same.

Your cooperation is needed. The written safety rules contained in our Safety Policy are minimum requirements. They cannot cover every conceivable hazard, but we believe there is a safe way to do every job. You need to use common sense and ask your supervisor or foreman whenever you are not sure what to do. We expect you to read and know this safety policy.
No job is so important, and no order is so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely. We will expect each employee to cooperate in making this program a success. As a Bachmann Construction employee you are empowered to stop the work and make the situation safe, without the fear of disciplinary action in cases of Imminent Danger to yourself or others.
Perform Responsibly
Bachmann Construction performs its work to the highest ethical and professional standards to deliver maximum value to its clients.
We want every project to have zero lost-time injuries. Comprehensive safety plans are developed, systematically reviewed, and adjusted throughout the duration of the project